Africa - Mauritania (PDF Chapter)

Lonely Planet

Africa - Mauritania (PDF Chapter)

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This is the Mauritania chapter from Lonely Planet’s Africa guidebook.

Mauritania has some of the continent’s grandest scenery. The Saharan Adrar region, with its caravan towns, is currently off-limits for security reasons, but the desert is a constant presence elsewhere, pushing hard up against the Atlantic Coast.

  • track down a rare colony of charismatic Mediterranean monk seals in Réserve Satellite du Cap Blanc in the country’s remote north
  • maps
  • taste Mauritanian cooking in Nouakchott’s best and most atmospheric restaurant, La Tissayade
  • transport
  • observe vast flocks of birds from a traditional pirogue in Parc National du Banc d’Arguin
  • restaurants & accommodation

Coverage includes: Nouakchott, Atlantic Coast, Nouâdhibou, Parc National du Banc d’Arguin, The Adrar, Understand Mauritania and Survival Guide.

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