Chile & Easter Island - Santiago (PDF Chapter)

Lonely Planet

Chile & Easter Island - Santiago (PDF Chapter)

Sale price$4.95 USD

This is the Santiago chapter from Lonely Planet’s Chile & Easter Island guide-book.

Surprising, cosmopolitan, energetic, sophisticated and worldly, Santiago is a city of synco-pated cultural currents, madhouse parties, expansive museums and top-flight restaurants. No wonder 40% of Chileans call the leafy capital city home.

  • gaze out over Santiago from the breathtaking summit of Cerro San Cristóbal
  • maps
  • trace the roots of Chilean culture and art at the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino
  • transport
  • sample paila marina (seafood stew) and watch locals bargain for fresh fish at Mercado Central
  • restaurants & accommodation

Coverage includes: History, Sights, Activities, Courses, Tours, Festivals & Events, Sleeping, Eating, Drinking & Nightlife, Entertainment, Shopping, Around Santiago.

select Chapter
