Cruise Ports Caribbean - Miami (PDF Chapter)

Lonely Planet

Cruise Ports Caribbean - Miami (PDF Chapter)

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This is the Miami chapter from Lonely Planet’s Cruise Ports Caribbean guide-book.

Miami has so many different facets to its diverse neighborhoods that it’s hard to believe it all fits in one place. In Miami Beach you can endlessly wander amid art deco masterpieces – best followed by late-afternoon strolls along the sands, when the golden light is mesmerizing.

  • be captivated by the art deco architecture of Miami Beach
  • maps
  • take in the colour and dynamism of the murals of Wynwood Walls
  • transport
  • spot graceful alligators and majestic blue herons in the Everglades
  • food & drink

Coverage includes: Sights, Activities, Tours, Shopping, Eating, Drinking & Nightlife, Entertainment, Wildlife-Watching in the Everglades.

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