Cruise Ports Mediterranean Europe - Venice, Italy (PDF Chapter)

Lonely Planet

Cruise Ports Mediterranean Europe - Venice, Italy (PDF Chapter)

Sale price$4.95 USD

This is the Venice chapter from Lonely Planet’s Cruise Ports Mediterranean Eu-rope guidebook.

Imagine the audacity of building a city of marble palaces on a lagoon. Rather than surren-dering to acque alte (high tides) like others might, Venetians flooded the world with vivid painting, baroque music, modern opera, spice-route cuisine and bohemian-chic fashions.

  • admire the Byzantine blitz of golden mosaics inside Basilica di San Marco
  • maps
  • browse boutique-lined backstreets to Museo Fortuny, the palace fashion house whose gowns freed women from corsets
  • getting to and from the port
  • pause atop wooden Ponte dell’Accademia for Grand Canal photo ops
  • food & drink

Coverage includes: Sights, Activities, Shopping, Eating, Drinking & Night-life.

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