Cruise Ports Scandinavia & Northern Europe - Copenhagen, Denmark (PDF Chapter)

Lonely Planet

Cruise Ports Scandinavia & Northern Europe - Copenhagen, Denmark (PDF Chapter)

Sale price$4.95 USD

This is the Copenhagen chapter from Lonely Planet’s Cruise Ports Scandinavia & Northern Europe guidebook.

Copenhagen is not only the coolest kid on the Nordic block, it’s also consistently ranked as the happiest city in the world. Ask a dozen locals why and they would probably mention the hy-gge, which generally means ‘cosiness’, but encompasses far more.

  • shriek your way around the roller coasters or soak up a classical concert at the Tivoli Gar-dens
  • maps
  • admire elegant design and shop for souvenirs at Designmuseum Danmark
  • transport
  • walk the city’s beautiful canalside and historic centre to take in the city’s noble architec-ture
  • food & drink

Coverage includes: Sights, Tours, Shopping, Eating, Drinking & Nightlife, Entertainment.

select Chapter
