Kids' Survival Guide

Lonely Planet

Kids' Survival Guide

Sale price$12.99 USD

What animals will you encounter in the forest? How do you avoid a bear attack? Where do you find water in the desert? How do you build shelter on an island? This handy guide is packed with tips and tricks to survive in the wilderness, from gathering supplies, to reading a map and even escaping quicksand!

Bear Grylls eat your heart out! With words from celebrated author Ben Hubbard and illustrations and infographics scattered throughout, this exciting and practical guide is a great introduction for kids on how to handle themselves in the wild. Chapters are divided into different habitats (deserts, mountains, forests, desert islands and tundra), and there is an initial chapter on essential survival tips in the wild. Useful topics touched upon here include basic first aid, how to navigate using the sun and using knots to escape sticky situations.

With chapters ranging from how to survive a shark attack, to building a mountain shelter to avoid the cold and navigating using the stars in the desert, this is the quintessential survival guide for young readers wanting to explore the natural world.

About Lonely Planet Kids: Lonely Planet Kids – an imprint of the world’s leading travel authority Lonely Planet – published its first book in 2011. Over the past 45 years, Lonely Planet has grown a dedicated global community of travellers, many of whom are now sharing a passion for exploration with their children. Lonely Planet Kids educates and encourages young readers at home and in school to learn about the world with engaging books on culture, sociology, geography, nature, history, space and more. We want to inspire the next generation of global citizens and help kids and their parents to approach life in a way that makes every day an adventure. Come explore!