Bolivia - Amazon Basin (PDF Chapter)

Lonely Planet

Bolivia - Amazon Basin (PDF Chapter)

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This is the Amazon Basin chapter from Lonely Planet’s Bolivia guidebook.

The Amazon Basin is one of Bolivia’s largest and most mesmerizing regions. The rainforest is raucous with wildlife and spending a few days roaming the sweaty jungle is an experience you’re unlikely to forget.

  • boat into the world’s most biodiverse park, Parque Nacional Madidi
  • maps
  • probe the nearby pampas for caiman, capybara and frighteningly large anaconda in Rurrenabaque
  • transport
  • party with locals at the Amazon’s best village fiesta, San Ignacio de Moxos
  • restaurants & accommodation

Coverage includes: Chapare Region, Villa Tunari, Parque Nacional Car-rasco, Puerto Villarroel, Western Bolivian Amazon, Rurrenabaque, Parque Nacional Madidi, San Borja, Reserva de la Biosfera y Estación Biológica del Beni, San Ignacio de Moxos, Eastern Bo-livian Amazon, Trinidad, Northern Bolivian Amazon, Santa Ana de Yacuma, Barba Azul Reserve, Guayaramerín, Riberalta & Around, Cobija & Around.

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