Central America - El Salvador (PDF Chapter)

Lonely Planet

Central America - El Salvador (PDF Chapter)

Sale price$4.95 USD

This is the El Salvador chapter from Lonely Planet’s Central America guide-book.

El Salvador suffers horribly from bad press. While gang violence still dominates international headlines – and keeps so many adventurous travelers at bay – the vast majority of this beautiful country remains untouched by ‘the troubles.’

  • track your gourmet coffee from plantation to cup on the Ruta de las Flores
  • maps
  • hike the Parque Nacional Los Volcanes’ active peaks
  • transport
  • kayak through mangroves in the Bahía de Jiquilisco
  • restaurants & accommodation

Coverage includes: San Salvador, Central El Salvador, Santa Tecla, La Libertad, La Costa del Bálsamo, Western El Salvador, Santa Ana, Parque Nacional Los Volcanes, Lago de Coatepeque, Chalchuapa, Metapán, Parque Nacional Montecristo, Ruta de las Flores, Sonsonate, Tacuba, Parque Nacional El Imposible, Eastern El Salvador, Cojutepeque, Ilobasco & San Sebastian, San Vicente, Alegría, Usulután, Bahía de Jiquilisco, San Miguel, La Unión & Around, Golfo de Fonseca Islands, Morazán, Northern El Salvador, Suchitoto, La Palma, Under-stand El Salvador, El Salvador Today, History, Culture, Landscape & Wildlife, Survival Guide.

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