Cruise Ports Mediterranean Europe - Palermo, Sicily, Italy (PDF Chapter)

Lonely Planet

Cruise Ports Mediterranean Europe - Palermo, Sicily, Italy (PDF Chapter)

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This is the Palermo, Sicily chapter from Lonely Planet’s Cruise Ports Mediterranean Eu-rope guidebook.

For millennia at the crossroads of civilisations, Palermo delivers a heady, heavily spiced mix of Byzantine mosaics, Arabesque domes and frescoed cupolas. This is a city at the edge of Eu-rope and at the centre of the ancient world.

  • begin with Palermo’s crown jewel, Palazzo dei Normanni, where the mosaics of King Rog-er’s royal bedroom are only a prelude to his magnificent Cappella Palatina
  • maps
  • visit the commanding Arab-Norman Cattedrale di Palermo, then head east to foun-tain-studded Piazza Pretoria
  • getting to and from the port
  • cap the riches of the day with dinner at Bisso Bistrot
  • food & drink

Coverage includes: Sights, Activities, Shopping, Eating, Drinking & Night-life.

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