The World of Adventure Sports

Lonely Planet

The World of Adventure Sports

Sale price$19.99 USD

An adrenaline-fuelled guide to extreme sports for kids, including snowboarding, skydiving, BMXing, rock climbing and much more. As well as a general introduction to each sport, discover star athletes such as Shaun White, Chloe Kim and Danny Way, a list of essential slang, a timeline of the sport’s development and a rundown of global hotspots - all accompanied by rad street-art graphics and epic photos.

Soar through the air like a bird, ride the waves and scale mountain heights as you explore what exactly it means to do an extreme sport. Brave the elements with dare and skill as you follow athletes skydiving, rock climbing, skiing, paragliding, scuba diving and much more, discovering the best places on earth to get the adrenaline pumping.

With words by Emma Carlson Bernie and fun illustrations throughout, this bright and colourful guide is a great introduction to adventure sports for both kids and adults alike.

About Lonely Planet Kids: Lonely Planet Kids – an imprint of the world’s leading travel authority Lonely Planet – published its first book in 2011. Over the past 45 years, Lonely Planet has grown a dedicated global community of travellers, many of whom are now sharing a passion for exploration with their children. Lonely Planet Kids educates and encourages young readers at home and in school to learn about the world with engaging books on culture, sociology, geography, nature, history, space and more. We want to inspire the next generation of global citizens and help kids and their parents to approach life in a way that makes every day an adventure. Come explore!